April 17, 2018
I was so excited when I found out I was going to get to photograph this family again this year. It was this time two years ago that I met them at the same place around the same time. What brought us together? The Bluebonnets! They have been such sweet clients of mine since then and I cannot believe how much their little girl has grown up.
No matter what you ask this little one to do she is always so joyful and easy going about it. It helps when her mommy and daddy are also encouraging of her too. She just explores and takes you right into her world of fun and imagination. This folks, is why I love getting to do what I do. I am living the dream getting to be that kid again. That girl who loved being outside with my friends for hours and never wanted to go home at night. I love nature and getting to share it with sweet friends like these is always a blessing!
Here are some happy faces of Elle to cheer you up today! Have a blessed one!!
P.S. I LOVE comments so please feel free to comment below with some of your thoughts!
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