Who is behind the 📸?? If I haven’t personally met you yet I wanted to stop in and say hello! Thanks for following me! My name is April Sapp and I am am a portrait photographer in the North DFW area. I have two beautiful kiddos and a hardworking beast of a husband who works a lot of long days and nights in the car industry. We love hanging out together and are intentional about finding the time to do so. As a family we love going bowling, fishing and watching all kinds of movies. I personally enjoy singing and playing guitar (when I am not behind the camera) at my local church. Singing was actually my first love growing up but once I had my little one’s I thought I needed to focus more on my photography business. But I am so elated and humbled that I get to do both my dream jobs while raising a family!! God is so good!
If you got this far in the post THANK YOU you get bonus points, haha!! I love people and love telling their stories from an outsider looking in. Everyone has such a unique story and I enjoy getting to be apart of sharing that with the world through my pictures. I also enjoy creating wall art galleries so that the photos I take don’t get forgotten or lost on your computer but are lived out for all to see…like a museum!! You are worth the wall space! USE THEM!! Lots of love and thanks again for stopping by!!!

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This is the BEST way to get access to my portrait sessions! If you’re curious about being in front of my camera, click here and I look forward to enjoying this journey with you!
Thank you so much!! April Sapp