March 10, 2019
Well even though it is the beginning of the week and I call it self-care Sunday it really should be called self-care everyday. As a momma of two its easy to forget myself and my needs. I have learned this the hard way and now that I know more about self-care, there is no turning back!! I know it feels selfish right and really…it is, and that is okay.
As I write this my two year old is in her room right now not napping. Even though I just sat her on the potty for TEN whole minutes, she would not go. I guarantee you right now she has pooped in her pants and is playing in a dirty diaper 🙁 blah. YUP I was right another one bites the dust ha! When things don’t go my way I can easily start getting off course in my mood. Each day I have to re-calibrate just like a clock and get reset again or I will get rusty and start reacting negatively and unkindly to others. Yal, for me self-care is a MUST!!
I read recently in a book that we should strive to do at least 3 things that make us happy each. and. every. day. Why?? Because the more we take care of ourselves and own our happiness the less we expect others to know how to do it. I know for sure I am a better mom and wife and friend when I do this practice every day. So it makes it all worth it, right? The less expectations I put on others to make me happy means the more at peace with everyone I will be at and the more I can pour into the one’s I love most.
When you go on an airplane and actually listen to the flight attendants instructions the idea of self-care really starts to make sense. They tell you to cover your own face with the oxygen mask before helping anyone else (yes that means even your small children). At first your thinking wait, what?? So you actually have to be well enough and taken care of before you can take care of anyone else? Yes! HENCE the words Self-care!
My top 10 favorite Self-care practices !!
If you don’t have a top ten list then I would encourage you to make one as soon as possible, in fact make one today! I don’t know if any of mine speak to you but do something that will make you happy today, will you?? After all if we are not taking care of ourselves, no one else will. Someone once said to me that we cannot be everything to everybody because if we try to be we will be nothing to nobody!
I would love to know some of your top tens so pretty please comment below to share?? Thanks so much, can’t wait to hear about it!!
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Thank you so much!! April Sapp