Showing Up Un-afraid… We are so excited to share today’s style shoot on the beach with you! Introducing Brian and Lindsy who are from Houston, Texas. The most impressive part about them (in my opinion) was there level of energy and adventurous spirit during the shoot! They were up for anything and not afraid to […]
August 27, 2019
Self Portraits, why not? While talking about doing our own family portraits the other day, I cringed. I got a little nauseated just thinking about it to be completely honest…haha. My hubby is now shooting with me and suggested we update our website with some new and fresh photos. Here is the deal though, he […]
August 20, 2019
Why We Bought a Car with Cash not Credit Let’s all be honest, buying a car kinda sucks…okay it really sucks. I kind of hate it but it is one of those things you just have to do! Ahhh adulting. Our experience was not much different than most. It started out stressful. April and I are […]
August 13, 2019
A Beautiful Evening with a Beautiful Family It was one of those hot Texas summer evenings, whew were we in for a treat!! As I pulled up to this beautiful park in Richardson luckily the sun had just start tucking it’s angry head behind those cooler clouds. This park was dreamy and my first time […]
August 8, 2019
15 Years Since the Day I said I do! So it’s the 5th of August and on the 7th I will have been happily married to my beautiful, fun, and super talented wife for 15 years! I know, thank you thank you, congratulations are in order :). Thinking about how the time has past I […]
August 5, 2019
A day they will always remember… It was beautiful, sunny and warm. A perfect day to get married. Not only that but Knotting Hill Place in Little Elm was one of the most beautiful wedding venues I have ever been to! As I pulled up I was amazed at the intricate details of this building! […]
July 31, 2019
A Beautiful Sunset… As I breathed in that warm summer air I couldn’t help but think back on my senior year of high school. Man has my life changed tremendously. I have finished my degree and now have 2 kids, a hubby and a little kitten, ha. I am so glad I get to relive […]
July 22, 2019
Their New Texas Home!! I got a sweet phone call from this pop of 3 wanting to surprise his wife for her birthday with a photo shoot. Not only that they just moved their family to Texas a few months ago so he wanted to document where they now are in life! What a great […]
May 16, 2019
Mommy and me… As I sit here in my office watching the rain fall down I am in awe and overwhelmed of all God has blessed me with. And since we are spot-lighting all the incredible mommy and me sessions this Mother’s day I cannot neglect to acknowledge my very own mom! So here goes…say […]
May 8, 2019
I Call Mom my Best Friend! How many of us can say our mom is our best friend for life? I don’t think everyone can but this is the type of mom I long to be. Not just a good mom but an EXCEPTIONAL mom. Someone whose kids still can lean on and call best […]
May 3, 2019