5 At Home Date Night Ideas:
Come on guys….we know Valentines Day is only 4 days away and if you are anything like us you are scrambling right now trying to book a sitter, reserve a place for dinner and grab a nice and meaningful hallmark card for your spouse. Back in the day BC (before children) it was so easy to focus on my husband and we had all the time in the world together. There was zero distractions and we never thought twice about leaving our home to grab a bite to eat or go to a movie. Things have changed dramatically with two little ones (under the age of 4) that absolutely need their sleep…and lots of it or we will be sorry.
We have had to come up with some really creative ideas for date nights especially when we had just moved here and didn’t know a lot of babysitters. Now we have a great one we use but for big holidays like Valentines Day it is not always easy to schedule it. The good thing about not going out is that it’s waaayyy cheaper than going out. You avoid having to pay for your meal, entertainment and your babysitter. Also, you don’t have to wait an hour or more at a restaurant just to grab a table to eat. Lastly, sometimes it is just so nice to stay home after a busy week and in the colder weather. You can have a romantic night at home with the kids in bed… I promise it is possible!
Here are my FUN FIVE at home date night ideas:
- Dinner by the Firelight: If you have a fire place get that fire burning and bust out a HUGE, cozy blanket with a picnic basket. Don’t forget the wine and cheese too to make it extra special! If the weather is warm enough do it outside or you have a fire pit on the back patio, grab your blanket and go out to watch the stars together.
- Painting with a Twist: Okay I know you have heard of painting classes and probably been to one by now but did you know you can do this at home too? We have done this SEVERAL times and loved the experience together (well aside from Jason being a perfectionist, ha). There are plenty of painting tutorials on Youtube you can follow or you can just look at a painting and try your best to mimic it.
- Bake a Cake: When we had a newborn at home and soo much time together it was SO fun to bake something! Of course this meant rummaging through our cabinets to see if we had every ingredient and if not we got creative. Most of the time our creations turned out pretty good though! Try it and maybe your inner chef with come out!
- Play a Game: Jason and I love playing card games together especially when we are tired of the TV being on every night. We bust out a deck of cards and play spades (two player style), Texas hold em or just plain ole rummy. We do have board games too we can play together but games like words with friends on our iphones work too if you want to pass and play.
- Youtube Music Night: One of our favorite things to do is introduce our new favorite bands to each other via Youtube (youtube is just where it is at on date nights). This is a great way to get to know each other more and catch up on what is new with one another. We love finding all the live performances and it literally feels like we are at a mini concert together. We re-live our pre kid or BC days and get excited again about music together.
Here are some of our previous date nights and obviously we LOVE painting nights the best, LOL.

P.S. I LOVE comments so please feel free to comment below with some of your thoughts!
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