Time to get those goals!! Organizing our crazy!
Can I share a secret? I am not naturally an organized person. Crazy I know! You can ask my sister who once helped me clean out my entire closet for 4 hours while I was very pregnant. She is gifted in that area and it actually brings her joy?! I struggle with how to take the chaos and make it simple. Some people just don’t have that talent, me included. So I have to work at it and that begins with setting some very intentional goals!
Here are my best tips from an unorganized (very messy at times) kind of human who also lives with tiny replicas just like me!!
- IF anything else just clean your kitchen sink at night. Yes I learned this from the Flylady She talks about shining your kitchen sink every night and believe me this has helped me! I feel like at the very least, I did one thing right each day! Even if the rest of the house is crazy messy I have a clean and shiny sink. Her best tip is to leave a sticky note as a reminder to do so and then set a timer for 5 minutes each night to get it done!
- Containers containers containers! If our things have a home designated in which they belong, everything seems to be way easier for us to manage and clean. I have clear containers in the fridge and pantry from the container store. I have small cubbies and baskets in the kids rooms for toys. There is no denying it. Baskets and containers have definitely helped me organize my chaos! BONUS: buy a label maker and you wont even think twice about misplacing any of your items anymore!
- PURGE!! It has been said that the less stuff we have the less we have to deal with! Anyone in the mood for a good purge party? Give some things away to friends or someone in need or heck just go make some money online!!
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Not sure why this has taken me so long to understand but I can’t do it all by myself. The hardest part of being a mom sometimes is just feeling the weight of everything on our shoulders. Homework, laundry, birthday parties, playing and pouring into others can leave you completely drained. Sometimes it is okay to hire some help with the lawn or cleaning the house. You will feel much more organized and at peace on the regular! This has helped me stay on top of everything so much!!
Time to get to work!!
What are some things you are working on in your home to declutter the chaos? As always I would absolutely LOVE to hear your ideas on the topic! Feel free to comment below and thanks so much for stopping by. Happy cleaning!

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~April and Jason Sapp