May 5, 2020
Last night I was interrupted during sleep around 12:30am. Everly cracked open the bedroom door crying as a 3 year old often will do. I whisked her up in my arms, took her back to her room, and tucked her back in. As I was walking by Aydens room, I noticed he had taken the extra blanket I had given him, he likes to sleep in his skivvies now, and tossed it off. The temperature in the house had fallen since earlier so I thought to myself, “I bet I can sneak in and toss the blanket back on him to keep him warm.” I crept into his room, climbed up on his loft bed and tossed out the covering, bang! As I threw my hand hit the ceiling! Ayden instantly shot his head up looking out the open bedroom door. Still not noticing me, hovering over him. I did my best not to completely terrify him. “Hi Ayden,” I whispered. He immediately turned his head towards me and let out a “oh!” I then said quietly, “I thought you might be cold” sheepishly holding the blanket. He looked at it, then looked at me again and said “oh, yes, I am cold.” Then he flashed me a smile and laid back down to bed.
As I lay back down I thought how cute Aydens reaction was and how glad I was to have decided to act upon my instinct to cover him up. If I had listened to the negative voice in my head that said to just leave it alone, he would have been cold all night. Then I started thinking about how in my own personal life there have been so many opportunities I had missed to make a difference for someone, by shying away from the moment.
Last night April and I also had the pleasure of being a part of a very special moment in a young couples life. Chelsea and Will took the next step in their relationship by agreeing to get married. April has done proposals before, but for me, it was a new and very exciting experience. Chelsea was under the impression that she was there for pictures of her acceptance to Texas Woman’s University to study Social Work. She has a very noble aspiration of wanting to be a social worker.
As the session progressed, I was unsure when exactly Will was going to pop the question. My mind was racing, “is it now, is it now,” I kept wondering. At one point about 20 minutes into the shoot, Will suggested we go take pictures over by the fountain. It was a picturesque spot for a proposal! As we walked over I could feel my heart beat quicken. We arrived to the destination and began putting Chelsea into different casual poses, she looked beautiful in her burgundy dress as the sun began to settle. After a few moments Will voiced an idea. “What if we had her turn around and gaze at the fountain” he said. We of course, thought that was brilliant! As she gazed into the falling water a warm breeze filled the air. We took a few pictures of that moment and then April gave Chelsea some direction for the next pose as she often does. She said, “Chelsea, now I am going to have you turn around and look at Will.” As she turned there he was, one knee bent, ring outstretched proudly, smiling from ear to ear. Taken back in surprise, Chelsea put both hands over her mouth. Tears of joy started to slowly trickle down her face and in that moment as time seemed to stand still, nothing else seemed to matter except for the one word I heard Chelsea utter, “Yes”.
Congratulations Chealsea and Will! Your families have been such a blessing to so many, for so many years. April and I have both been personally blessed in some way by the kindness that you all have shown. We wanted to say thank you! Thank you for always being the warmth to those around you. For not backing down, but listening to the call and answering. For being the difference in someone else’s life. The two of you becoming one will only strengthen the already powerful gifts you both have. We cannot wait to see what God has in store for you!
Congratulations and Cheers!
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Thank you so much!!
~April and Jason Sapp